Dr. D.C. Saxena
Food Engineering & Technology
Sl. No. Degree Board/Univ. Year Division %age Award/Distinction 1. Ph.D. (Food Tech) C.F.T.R.I., Mysore 1997 — —- —– 2. M.Tech.(Food Tech) H.B.T.I., Kanpur 1990 First 71.8 I rank in Branch 3. B.Tech. (Food Tech) H.B.T.I., Kanpur 1988 First 72.5 —– 4. Intermediate (+2) U.P. Board 1982 First 70.4 —– 5. High School U.P. Board 1980 First 77.0 I rank in School
Sl.No. Type of Experience Organization Post Held From To Total 1. Administrative SLIET, Longowal Head of the Deptt. 18.07.13 17.07.16 3 Yrs 2. Administrative SLIET, Longowal Dean (Planning & Development) 14.10.10 18.07.13 about 3 Yr 3. Academic SLIET, Longowal Professor 09.03.07 Till date 4. Administrative SLIET, Longowal Chairman, 16.11. 09 Till Date a year SLIET Entrance Test-2010 5. Administrative SLIET, Longowal Dy. Registrar (Admn.) 10.03.08 27.05.09 12 months 6. Administrative SLIET, Longowal Head of the Department 13.10.99 10.04.00 6 months 7. Academic SLIET, Longowal Asstt. Professor 09.03.99 08.03.07 8 years 8. Academic H.B.T.I., Kanpur Lecturer 10.10.95 08.03.99 3 y & 5 m 9. Administrative H.B.T.I., Kanpur Hostel –Warden 12.09.96 08.03.99 2 y & 6 m 10. Research C.F.T.R.I., Mysore Research Associate 09.08.95 09.10.95 2 months (CSIR- funded) 11. Research C.F.T.R.I., Mysore Senior Research Fellow 02.12.91 31.07.95 3 y & 8 m (CSIR- funded) 12. Research H.B.T.I., Kanpur Senior Research Fellow 16.11.90 27.11.91 1 year (UGC + CSIR- funded) 13.. Industrial Bakers Bread Pvt. Ltd., Production In-Charge 16.06.90 15.11.90 5 months Lucknow (U.P.) 14. Research H.B.T.I., Kanpur (U.P.) Research Associate 01.02.90 30.04.90 3 months (DST- sponsored) 15. Industrial Dimsy Food & Shift Engineer 22.05.88 24.07.88 2 months Chemicals Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi
1.A chapter on “Baking” in the e-book on “Introduction to Food Processing” for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) project of NISCAIR/CSIR, Govt. of India has been developed under the authorship of D.C. Saxena and P.N. Maheshwari (2007) 2. Author of a book on “Food Grain Process Technology” by APH Publishing Corporation , New Delhi (2009) 3. Author of a Chapter “Separation and Filtration” in the book “Food Science” by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India (2013) 4. Editor of a book “Cereal Grains: Evaluation, Value Addition and Quality Management” by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India (2013) 5. Deepa Srivastava, Tanuja Srivastava, C, S, Riar, Sukhcharan Singh and D. C. Saxena, Micotoxins in cereal grains, In: Cereal Grains:Evaluation, Value addition and Quality Management” by D. C. Saxena, C. S. Riar, S. Singh and N. Jindal published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi [2013] Pp. 25-35. 6. Deepa Srivastava, Tanuja Srivastava, Sukhcharan Singh, C, S, Riar and D. C. Saxena. Management to maintain stired Grain Quality, In: Cereal Grains: Evaluation, Value addition and Quality Management” by D. C. Saxena, C. S. Riar, S. Singh and N. Jindal published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi [2013] Pp.223-239. 7. Dairy plant lay out and management, In: Dairy Technology (Eds. V.P. Singh, Neelam Sachan), pp. 24-27 (2014). 8. Pasteurization of Milk, In: Dairy Technology (Eds. V. P. Singh, Neelam Sachan), (I) pp. 94-115. (2014). 9. Preparation and Principles of Different Types of Ice-cream, In: Dairy Technology (Eds. V.P .Singh, Neelam Sachan), (I) pp. 215-234. (2014). 10. Editor of a book “Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Sources and their Developmental Techniques” by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India (2015) 11. Reeba Panesar, Shubhneet Kaur, D.C. Saxena, Potential Applications of Biopigments in Food and Feed. In: Functional Foods And Nutraceuticals: Sources And Their Developmental Techniques” by D. C. Saxena, C. S. Riar, S. Singh, Vikas Nanda and N. Jindal as Editors published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi [2015] pp. 38-45. 12. Arti Chauhan, D.C. Saxena and Sukhcharn Singh, Significance of Amaranth Grains in Health and Nutrition, In: Functional Foods And Nutraceuticals: Sources And Their Developmental Techniques” by D. C. Saxena, C. S. Riar, S. Singh, Vikas Nanda and N. Jindal as Editors published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi [2015] pp. 165-176. 13. Khan Nadiya Jan, Ishrat Majid, D.C.Saxena and Sukhcharn Singh, Nutraceutical and Functional Potential of Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Wild), In: Functional Foods And Nutraceuticals: Sources And Their Developmental Techniques” by D. C. Saxena, C. S. Riar, S. Singh, Vikas Nanda and N. Jindal as Editors published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi [2015] pp. 336-344. 14. Kulsum Jan, Shumaila Jan, Syed Insha Rafiq and D.C. Saxena, Studies on Characterization, Processing and Utilization of (Nymphaea alba L.) Rhizomes, In: Functional Foods And Nutraceuticals: Sources And Their Developmental Techniques” by D. C. Saxena, C. S. Riar, S. Singh, Vikas Nanda and N. Jindal as Editors published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi [2015] pp. 382-390. 15.Syed Insha Rafiq, Kulsum Jan and D.C. Saxena, Micronization in Food Processing, In: Novel Food Processing Technologies” by Vikas Nanda and Savita Sharma as Editors published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi [2017] pp. 387-404.
1. Tanuja Srivastava and Saxena D.C. (2013) A NUTRITIOUS SNACK FROM RICE INDUSTRY WASTE AND METHOD THEREOF Filed on 25/12/2013, Publication Date: 05/02/2016 Indian Patent Office Journal Dated 05/02/2016 No. Part 1 Page No. 418 Application No.3764/DEL/2013
2. Saxena D.C. and Kulsum Jan (2015) MOULDING PELLETS FROM BIO-WASTE AND PROCESS THEREOF Filed on 22/04/2015, Publication Date: 28/10/2016 Indian Patent Office Journal Dated 28/10/2016 No. Part 1 Page No. 102 Application No. 1116/DEL/2015
1. Life member- Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (INDIA) [AFST (I)] 2. Life member – Oil Technologists Association of India [OTAI] 3. Member – The Society of Indian Bakers [SIB] 4. Life Member – Indian Society of Technical Education (AICTE) [ISTE] 5. Life Member – Punjab Academy of Sciences [PAS]
1. AP Prize FOOMA Japan 2014 Academic Plaza from The Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers’ Association 2. Guided a Post-Doctorate Fellow Dr. Mune Martin Alain, Lecturer, University of Maroua, Cameroon under Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists Fellowship, Govt. of India. 3. Editor of Journal of Food Science and Technology (India) in 2012-2014 4. Best Paper Award in the Poster session from AFST (I) Mysore during ICFOST- 13 5. Prof. JIWAN SINGH SIDHU AWARD from AFST(I) Mysore for Best Teacher – 2009 6. Seconded Faculty at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (Thailand) in the Department of Food Engineering & Bioprocess Technology – 2007 7. Member of Food Engineering Technical Advisory Group (TAG) 8. Best Paper Award in the Poster Session from AFST (I) Mysore during IFCON- 93 9. GATE –1988 10. Research Assistantship (DST) 11. Senior Research Fellowship (CSIR) 12. Best Paper Award in the Poster Session from AFST (I) during IFCON- 93 13. Research Associateship (CSIR) 14. Fellow–95 of International Union of Food Scientists & Technologists awarded in IX World Congress of Food Scientists & Technologists at Budapest, HUNGARY
Research Publications: No. 83 (National –5; International- 78)
Papers in Conferences: No. 84 (National –42; International- 42)
Sr.Title of the Project Grant (Rs.lakhs) Duration Funding Agency PI(s)/Co-PI(s) 1. Value addition to rice bran by extrusion technology 17.90 2011-2013 AICTE, GOI Co-Principal Investigator 2. Design and fabrication of gas fired continuous 10.48 2005-07 CSIR, GOI Principal tandoori roti baking oven ) Investigator 3. Design and fabrication of Amla pricking machine 6.07 2004-06 ICAR, GOI Principal for cottage scale industry ) Investigator 4. Design and Fabrication of Amla Grader 0.35 02-03/2006 Institute R & D Cell Principal Investigator 5. Design and Fabrication of Infrared Heating Machine 0.31 02-03/2006 Institute R & D Cell Co-Principal Investigator 6.Study of Characterization and Treatment of Effluents 12.65 2003-05 Ministry of Co-Principal from Electroplating Industries Environment and Investigator Forests, GOI
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