Dr. Vikas Nanda
Food Engg. and Tech.
+91-8837693963, +91-9815980054
Ph.D (Food Technology)
Professor: SantLongowal Institute of Engineering and technology 2013- Present Associate Professor: SantLongowal Institute of Engineering and technology 2009-2013 Assistant Professor: SantLongowal Institute of Engineering and technology 2006- 2009 Sr. lecturer: SantLongowal Institute of Engineering and technology 2001-2006 Lecturer: SantLongowal Institute of Engineering and technology 1995 – 2001
1. Meat, Egg and Poultry: Science and Technology (2014). I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-82332-70-1. (Single Author).
2. Novel Food Processing Technologies (2017). Edited by Vikas Nanda and Savita Sharma, New India Publishing Agency.ISBN 978-93-85516-04-7.
3. Amir Gull, Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, Sajad Mohd Wani & Vikas Nanda (2022). Handbook of Plum Fruit: Production, Postharvest Science & Processing Technology. Ed (1), Taylor & Francis Group (CRC-Press), Florida, USA, ISBN: 9781032062426. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003205449.
Co-Chairman: International Honey Commission (www.ihc-platform.net)
Co-chairman: Mentor council formed by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India to restructure and redesigning of skill development courses run by Ministry of labour and Employment related to Food Technology. Life Member: Association of Food Scientists and Technologist (India)
Receipt of Scholarship from Government of Israel to participate in International Post-Graduate Course at Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environment Quality Sciences, Organized by Division of External Studies,Rehovot, The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem, Israel.
Pant, K., Thakur, M., Chopra, H. K., Nanda, V., Usmani, S. and Ansari, M. (2021) Characterization and discrimination of Indian propolis based on physico-chemical, techno-functional, thermal and textural properties: A multivariate approach. Journal of King Saud University – Science. Accepted on 6 March 2021 (IF: 3.819)
Thakur, M.,Majid, I., Hussain, S. and Nanda, V. (2021) Poly(ε-caprolactone): A Potential Polymer for Biodegradable Food Packaging Applications. Packaging Technology and Science. Accepted on15 March 2021(IF:1.187)
Thakur, M. and Nanda, V. (2020) Screening of Indian bee pollen based on antioxidant properties and polyphenolic composition using UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS: A multivariate analysis and ANN based approach. Food Research International.. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2020.110041 (IF: 4.972, NAAS rating: 9.58) Thakur, M. and Nanda, V. (2020) Composition and functionality of bee pollen: A review. Trends in Food Science and Technology.98, 82-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2020.02.001 (IF: 11.077, NAAS rating: 12.61) Thakur, M., Pant, K., Naik, R.R., and Nanda, V. (2020) Optimization of spray drying operating conditions for production of functional milk powder encapsulating bee pollen. Drying Technol. DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2020.1720225 (IF: 2.988, NAAS rating: 8.22)
Naik, R.R., Neha, S.G, Thakur, M., and Nanda, V. (2019) Analysis of crystallization phenomenon in Indian honey using molecular dynamics simulations and artificial neural network. Food Chem. 125182. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125182 (IF: 6.306, NAAS rating: 10.95)
Thakur, M. and Nanda, V. (2019) Process optimization of polyphenol-rich milk powder using bee pollen based on physico-chemical and functional characteristics. J Food Process Engg.e13148 DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.13148 (IF: 1.703, NAAS rating: 7.96) Thakur, M. and Nanda, V. (2018) Assessment of physicochemical properties, fatty acid, amino acid and mineral profile of bee pollen from India with a multivariate perspective. J. Food Nutr. Res. 57(4): 328–340 (IF: 0.756) Thakur, M. and Nanda, V. (2018) Exploring the physical, functional, thermal, and textural properties of bee pollen from different botanical origins of India. J Food Process Engg. e12935 DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.12935 (IF: 1.703, NAAS rating: 7.96)
Ishrat Majid, B.N. Dar & Vikas Nanda (2018). Rheological, thermal, micro structural and functional properties of freeze dried onion powders as affected by sprouting. Food Bio Science, 22: 105-112.
Ishrat Majid and Vikas Nanda (2017). Instrumental texture and flavonoid profile of paste developed from sprouted onion varieties of Indian origin. International Journal of Food Properties, 11: 2511-2526.
Ishrat Majid, Shafat Hussain and Vikas Nanda (2018). Impact of sprouting on the degradation kinetics of color and vitamin C of onion powder packaged in different packaging materials. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 43: e13849 DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13849
Ishrat Majid, Shafat Hussain and Vikas Nanda (2018). Moisture sorption isotherms and quality characteristics of onion powder during storage as affected by sprouting. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 13: 775-784 Doi.org/10.1007/s11694-018- 9990-2.
Ishrat Majid and Vikas Nanda (2017). Total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and anthocyanin profile of sprouted onion powder. Acta Alimentaria, An International Journal of Food Science. DOI.org/10.1556/066.2017.0006.
Ishrat Majid and Vikas Nanda (2017). Effect of sprouting on physical properties, morphology and flowability of onion powder. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 11: 2033-2042.
Yogita Suhag & Vikas Nanda (2017). Degradation kinetics of ascorbic acid in encapsulated spray dried honey powder packaged in aluminium laminated polyethylene and high density polyethylene. International Journal of Food Properties,3, 645-653.
Ishrat Majid and Vikas Nanda(2016). Instrumental texture and flavonoid profile of paste developed from sprouted onion varieties of Indian origin. International Journal of Food Properties, 3, 1-16. Gulzar Ahmad Nayik and Vikas Nanda (2016). A chemometric approach to evaluate the phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and mineral content of different unifloral honey types from Kashmir, India. LWT – Food Science and Technology, DOI information: 10.1016/j.lwt.2016.08.016 (In press) Ishrat Majid, Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, Savita Sharma, Ajmer Singh Dhatt & Vikas Nanda (2016). Effect of sprouting on physico-chemical, antioxidant and flavonoid profile of onion varieties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(2), 3176-324 Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, B.N. Dar & Vikas Nanda (2016). Optimization of the process parameters to establish the quality attributes of DPPH radical scavenging activity, total phenolic content and total flavonoid content of apple (Malus domestica) honey using response surface methodology. International Journal of Food Properties, 19(8), 1738-1748. Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, Yogita Suhag, Ishrat Majid & Vikas Nanda (2016). Discrimination of High Altitude Indian honey by chemometric approach according to their antioxidant properties and macro minerals. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences.DOI: 10.1016/j.jssas.2016.04.00 (in press) . Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, B. N. Dar & Vikas Nanda (2016). Rheological behavior of high altitude Indian honey varieties as affected by temperature. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. doi:10.1016/j.jssas.2016.07.003 (in press) .. Yogita Suhag, Gulzar Ahmad Nayik & Vikas Nanda (2016). Nutritionally rich honey powder: Effect of spray drying conditions and gum arabic on the physico-chemical, functional and thermal properties. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 10, 350-356 Yogita Suhag & Vikas Nanda (2015). Evaluation of different carrier agents with respect to physico‐chemical, functional and morphological characteristics of spray dried nutritionally rich honey powder. Journal of Food Processing & Preservation DOI:10.1111/jfpp.12728. (In press) Gulzar Ahmad Nayik & Vikas Nanda (2015). Application of response surface methodology to study the combined effect of temperature, time and pH on antioxidant activity of cherry honey. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, DOI: 10.1515/pjfns-2015-0055. (In press) Gulzar Ahmad Nayik & Vikas Nanda (2015). Physico-chemical, enzymatic, mineral and color characterization of three different varieties of honeys from Kashmir valley of India with a multivariate approach. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 65(2), 101-108. Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, B.N. Dar & Vikas Nanda (2015). Physico-chemical, rheological and sugar profile of different unifloral honeys from Kashmir valley of India. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2015.08.017. (In Press). Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, B.N. Dar & Vikas Nanda (2015). Effect of thermal treatment and pH on antioxidant activity of saffron honey by using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 10(1), 64–70 Yogita Suhag & Vikas Nanda (2015). Optimization of process parameters to develop nutritionally rich spray-dried honey powder with vitamin C content and antioxidant properties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50, 1771-1777. Gulzar Ahmad Nayik & Vikas Nanda (2015). Physico-chemical, enzymatic, mineral and color characterization of three different varieties of honeys from Kashmir valley of India with a multivariate approach. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 65, 101-108. . Gulzar Ahmad Nayik & Vikas Nanda (2015). Characterization of the volatile profile of unifloral honey from Kashmir valley of India by using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. European Journal of Food Research and Technology. 240, 1091–1100. VikasBansal, Harish Kumar Sharma and Vikas Nanda(2014).Optimisation of spray drying process parameters for low-fat honey-based milk powder with antioxidant activity. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 49, 1196–1202. RajniKamboj, ManavBandhuBera and Vikas Nanda (2013). Chemometric classification of Northern Indian unifloral honey. Acta Alimentaria, 42, 540-551.
Rajni Kamboj, Manav Bandhu Bera and Vikas Nanda (2013).Evaluation of physico-chemical properties, trace metal content and antioxidant activity of Indian honeys. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48, 578–587. Kshitiz Kumar, Navdeep Jindal, Savita Sharmaand Vikas Nanda (2013). Physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of extrudates developed from honey and barley. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48, 1750-1761. Vikas Nanda., Bahadur Singh, Vijay Kumar Kukreja and Amarinder Singh Bawa (2009). Characterization of honey produced from different fruit plants of northern India. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 44, 2629–2636. Vikas Nanda., Amarjit. Kaur.,ManavBandhuBera., Bahadur Singh and Arvind Kumar Bakhshi (2006). Palynological studies and application of response surface methodology B to establish the quality attributes in Eucalyptus honey. ActaAlimentaria, 35: 409-422. Vikas Nanda., S. Singh., C.S. Raina.,N.Jindal. D.C. Saxena. (2004). Optimization of the process variables for the preparation of processed paneer using response surface methodology.European Food Research and Technology, 218, 529-534. Vikas Nanda, B.C., Sarkar, H.K., Sharma, and A.S. Bawa. (2003). Physico-chemical properties and estimation of mineral content in honey produced from different plants in Northern India. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 16, 613-619.
Established an Apiary and Small Honey Processing plant. http://drfoodtech.com/
A project entitled” Process development and Validation for Evaluating Adulteration in Honey” sanctioned by Board for Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, of amount Rs 32.65 lacs. Identification of the chemical marker for the discrimination of honey collected from the different floral sources and evaluation of its antioxidant potential as affected by process parameters sanctioned under Technical Educaion Quality Improvement Programme (TEQUIP)
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