Dr. Sukhcharn Singh
Food Engineering & Technology
sukhcharns@yahoo.com, sukhcharn@sliet.ac.in
PhD (Food Technology)
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-3790-9683
Scopus Id: 57199513120
Researcher ID: T-3259-2017
Google Scholar ID: oEFRLH8AAAAJ&hl
Vidwan ID: 98913
Twenty Years (26) of Teaching and Research Seven (09) month Industrial
OTHER ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITY EXTERNAL (1) Ex Vice President, AFST(I), Mysore (2) Co coordinator of Diploma Programme on Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV) run by INGOU. (2012 to onward)
(1) Working as Training and Placement Officer (TPO) (2) Chairman SLIET Alumni Association
(1) Departmental PG Coordinator (2) Course Counselor (3) Established SLIET Chapter and Working as Secretary AFST(I) , Longowal Chapter
1. C.S.Riar, S.Singh, N.Jindal, D.C.Saxena. (2009) Food Grain Process Technology. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi. 2. D.C.Saxena,C.S.Riar, S.Singh, N.Jindal.(2013) Cereal Grains: Evaluation,Value Addition and Quality Management. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. 3. C.S.Riar, D.C.Saxena Sukhcharn.Singh, Vikas nanda and N.Jindal,. (2015) Functional Food and Nutraceuticals: Sources and Their Development Techniques. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi BOOK CHAPTERS (1) Dairy Technology (V.P. Singh and Neelam Sachan). Three chapters 1. Dairy Plant Layout and Management 2. Pasteurization of Milk 3. Preparation and Principles of different Types of Ice-Creams
1) Punjab science congress Life member 2) AFST (I) Life Member
Awarded by Punjab Academy of Sciences at 10th Punjab Science Congress, held at DAVIET, Jalandhar. February 7 – 9, 2007.
Awarded by Venus International Foundation (VIFRA 2015), 19th Dec 2015, Chenni
National Journals : 01
International Journals : 80 Conferences : 60
Romee Jan, D.C. Saxena, Sukhcharn Singh. (2016) Physico-chemical, textural, sensory and antioxidant characteristics of gluten Free cookies made from raw and germinated Chenopodium (Chenopodium album) flour. LWT – Food Science and Technology 71, 281-287
Narender Kumar, D.C Saxena, Sukhcharan (2017) Processing and evaluation of heat moisture treated (HMT) amaranth starch noodles; An inclusive comparison with corn starch noodles Cereal science, 75 (2017) 306-313
Khan Nadiya Jan, P.S. Panesar, J.C. Rana, Sukhcharn Singh (2017) Structural, thermal and rheological properties of starches isolated from Indian quinoa varieties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Volume 102, 315-322 Nisar Ahmad Mir, Charanjit Singh Riar, Sukhcharn Singh (2018) Nutritional constituents of pseudo cereals and their potential use in food systems: A review Trends in Food Science & Technology, 75, 170-180
Romee Jan, D.C. Saxena, Sukhcharn Singh (2018). Comparative study of raw and germinated Chenopodium (Chenopodium album) flour on the basis of thermal, rheological, minerals, fatty acid profile and phytocomponents Food Chemistry, 269,173-180. Nisar A. Mira, Charanjit S. Riar, Sukhcharn Singh Improvement in the functional properties of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) protein isolates after the application of controlled heat-treatment: Effect on structural properties April 2021, Food Structure 28(4):100189, DOI: 10.1016/j.foostr.2021.100189 Jasmeet Kour, Sukhcharn Singh and Dharmesh C. Saxena Retention of bioactive compounds during extrusion processing and storage December 2021, Food Chemistry X 13(1):100191,DOI: 10.1016/j.fochx.2021.100191 Smita Dimri, Sukhcharn Singh
Structural, thermal, and rheological properties of starches isolated from four different varieties of Indian barnyard millet (Echinochloafrumentacea) Journal of Food Processing and Preservation First published: 30 April 2022, DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.16718 Yogesh Kumar, Sukhcharn Singh and Dharmesh C. Saxena Controlling the properties of starch from rice brokens by crosslinking with citric acid and sodium trimetaphosphate June 2022 Starch – Starke, DOI: 10.1002/star.202200094 Yogesh Kumar, Sukhcharn Singh and Dharmesh C. Saxena Effect of Citric Acid and Sodium Trimetaphosphate Induced Crosslinking on Functional, Rheological, Structural, and Thermal Properties of Buckwheat Starch Starch – Stärke 2023, 75, 2200267, DOI: 10.1002/star.202200267
http://fet.sliet.ac.in/people/sukhcharan, https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/myprofile https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3790-9683 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oEFRLH8AAAAJ https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/T-3259-2017 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8935880300
Research Project Completed
1) As a Co- Investigator: Design and fabrication of Amla pricking machine for cottage scale industry Sponsored by ICAR, New Delhi for Rs. 6.07 lakhs (2004 – 2006) 2) As a Co- Investigator: Design and fabrication of gas fired continuous tandoori roti baking oven Sponsored by CSIR, New Delhi for Rs. 10.48 lakhs (2005 – 2007)
RESEARCH AREA 1. Processing and Utilization of Pseudocereal 2. Development of gluten free products 3. Processing and Utilization of Sweetpotato
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